The Ring-1 cheat for the Arena Breakout: Infinite game has proven itself in the best way among players, the cheat has good optimization, a beautiful visual appearance and has extensive functionality from which the following functions can be distinguished:
- Automatically aim at your enemies.
- Aim at specific bone
- Highly configurable!
- Aim hotkey
- Field-of-view
- Aim smoothing
- Target selector
- Lock target
- Switch target delay after kill
- Draw crosshair
- Show snaplines
Character ESP
- Max bones render distance
- Bone style
- Highly configurable!
- Battlemode
- Max render distance
- Max healthbar render distance
- Max name render distance
- Max info render distance
- Healthbar position
- Healthbar style
- Border style
- Players & Bots
-Show Ammo
-Show Weapon + State (zooming/reloading)
-Show Total Value
-Show Bag Open
-Show Endurance - Head - Chest
-Show States - Tremble - Pain - Over weight - Lack in moisture - Lack in food - Gas standing - Molotov standing - Bleeding - Bone legs - Bone arms - Silent walk
- Bots
-Show Bot Name
-Show Bot Faction
-Show Bot Type
-Draw Bot Target Point
- Poison Gasses
-Show Duration Time
- Molotovs
-Show Duration Time
- Smoke Grenades
-Show Duration Time
- Land Marks
-Show Interesting Spots
- Highly configurable!
- Show enemies
- Show friendly
- Color
Object ESP
- Highly configurable!
- Battlemode
- Max render distance
- Max name render distance
- Max info render distance
Item ESP
- Highly configurable!
- Show Activity Items
- Show Quest Items
- Show Amount
- Show Price + Filter
- Camera
-No Flashbang
-No Stun
-No Smoke
-Time Hack
-Free Look no Limit
- Enviroment
-Draw Self Value
-Draw Ammo Counter
- Weapon
-No Recoil (0-100%)
-No Sway (0-100%)
-No Flinch (0-100%)