The Crooked Arms cheat for the DayZ game has proven itself in the best way among players, the cheat has good optimization, a beautiful visual appearance and has extensive functionality from which the following functions can be distinguished:
- Friends list
- Draw zombie
- Line
- Box 2D
- Name
- Item in hands
- Category
- Distance
- Skeleton
- Size line skeleton
- Skeleton draw distance
- Backlight distance
- Corpses
- Player
- Zombie
- Animals
- Corpses distance
- Animals
- Vehicle
- Show all loot on hover
- Player
- Zombie
- Corpses
- Vehicle
- Enable radar/compass
- Enable map markers (LB/RB)
- Draw players on map
- Draw zombie (radar, map)
- Show current position
- Backlight distance:
- Position by X:
- Position by Y:
- Size:
- Alpha:
- Open loot list:
- Navigation
- Clothes
- Medical
- Drink
- Container
- Ammo
- Attachment
- Tool
- Consumables
- Melee weapon
- Weapon
- Camping
- Food
- Cooking
- Crafting
- Optics
- Radio
- Vehicle parts
- Cultivation
- Explosives
- Other
- Selected
- Navigation
- Clothes
- Medical
- Drink
- Container
- Ammo
- Attachment
- Tool
- Consumables
- Melee weapon
- Weapon
- Camping
- Food
- Cooking
- Crafting
- Optics
- Radio
- Vehicle parts
- Cultivation
- Explosives
- Other
- Selected
- Loot quality
- Show all loot on hover
- Enable silent aimbot (wall shot)
- Do not aim at zombie
- Do not aim at friends
- Aim priority
- Distance
- Crosshair
- Draw fov circle
- Fov
- Distance
- Draw aim point
- Enable prediction
- Bones selection
- Head
- Neck
- Left elbow
- Right elbow
- Body
- Pelvis
- Left knee
- Right knee
- Bone change time
- Key selection
- Always light (Danger)
- Disable grass (Danger)
- Key selection
- Disable fog (Danger)
- Disable rain (Danger)
- Enable 3d person
- Disable overcast (Danger)
- Draw crosshair
- Compass color
- Player color
- Friend color
- Zombie color
- Animal color
- Vehicle color
- Corpse color
- Navigation color
- Clothes color
- Medical color
- Drink color
- Container color
- Ammo color
- Attachment color
- Tool color
- Consumables color
- Melee weapon color
- Weapon color
- Camping color
- Food color
- Cooking color
- Crafting color
- Optics color
- Radio color
- Vehicles parts color
- Cultivation color
- Explosives color
- Other color
- Selected loot color
- Key to disable loot
- Open menu key
- Inside loot update time